“It’s magical to do something when you think no one is going to care.”

Lemony Snicket just happens to be one of the best. His quote reminded me of something I’ve been telling myself for a long while, which is to stop focusing on perfection and just focus on telling the story that I want to be told, to not worry about how it will be received or if anyone will pick it up for publication. 

Florence Fiction Friday (9)

From making new friends in classes to Fred, I finally felt like myself. Greg even commented one week that I had a certain glow about me. “I just showered,” I answered. “Nah, that’s not it.” Matt came in from a run. His athletic body didn’t interest me at all anymore. “What’s up,” he said rather […]

Florence Fiction Friday (4)

(I’ll be in Croatia without wifi this weekend, so I’m posting early. Have a blessed weekend!) Sitting in a circle with the lights off and doors bolted, Greg, Matt, Alissa, and I stared at one another. No one said a word. Matt didn’t seem as scary with his legs crossed like a pretzel, but there […]