Downsizing mental clutter in 2019

I missed the spring cleaning fad, but how about summer cleaning.


Or are you busy planning your next trip, working towards a promotion, or trying to fit in exercise while finally learning that new skill?

Why “spring” cleaning your brain is important

There’s so much to do and see and, if you’re in the midwest like me, the warm months are a commodity.

My day goes something like this: Wake up to a few snaps from friends, handle the hassle of traffic, work, have someone interrupt me for help or to chat and get a podcast suggestion, get sent an upcoming event on Facebook, Skype message friends and coworkers, open a tab to Google something, forget it, add it to a bookmark or leave the tab open, find other articles like the previous one, hoard them like a weirdo, skim them, feel like I learned nothing, Google more things I want to know, get asked a question and wonder why I don’t take in any information and dream about how I can take in more and on it goes…

With so much at our fingertips, it’s hard to choose. I’m not just talking about social events or finding the time to nap. I’m talking about choosing what stimulates our minds.

It’s hard to manage time with stimuli coming from all directions. At best, you fight the urge to listen or read something and then feel like you missed out.

I’m exhausted just typing this!!

The clear solution is less.

Less connectivity. Less connected to ideas and more connected to how your mind feels. Less “oh, I need to stay up to date on the latest news and catch up on this book I borrowed and remember important points so I can sound smart.”

Just, uh, less.

How to start finding mental clarity

Here are three tips to help declutter that brain space:

1. Organize your surroundings

It can be as simple as deleting bookmarks on your computer that you don’t need or finally sorting that looming stack of “important” papers. Seeing physical and online reminders of all there is to do or figure out takes a mental toll.

Try organizing your planner and taking a couple things out instead of jotting down more things you want to have done by the end of the week.

2. Do exercises (no, not running…)

Or run. It clears the head. But I’m leaning towards those mind-clearing activities like walking or stretching or counting breaths. Take stock of what you’re working with internally.

Sometimes all it takes is the extra effort to pay attention to how our habits affect us.

3. Get that sleeeeep, girl

The first two will be hard without this essential ingredient. Not only does sleep make you feel better, but it also helps you function better. How are you going to have the energy to clean up your space or make a conscious effort to not get trapped in endless thought cycles of “gotta go, gotta learn, gotta do?”

Give your brain a break by focusing more on what matters, not on more information, and reap the benefits of extra clarity and attention in your every day life.

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