An introvert’s guide to making friends at work and play

Being an introvert is a beautiful, if not somewhat isolating, thing. Especially when you want to meet new people.

Whether you’re new at work or just want to reach out to someone for lunch, here are some tips to ease the social stress:

Tips for the workplace

Lean in on your tendency to observe what’s going on around you. When you’re new in a job, getting used to the noise around you can take a while to adjust to. Let yourself observe the people, responsibilities, and schedules. See where your attention calls you, whether it’s a networking club or an area people tend to hang out.

Dip your toe in. Take it slow by asking a group to lunch or suggesting a walk break with a coworker. As you build confidence and get to know people, it’ll have a snowball effect and make interactions in the future easier and (potentially) more frequent. If you have social anxiety, a group may make you feel better able to hide. Or, perhaps you’re more comfortable during 1:1 situations because there are fewer eyes to worry about. You know you. So, do you. 

Remember that people aren’t inherently bad and will be friendly and interested in someone who is friendly and interesting. Smile. Say hello. Ask how they’re doing, or about their personal and professional experiences. 

Tips for your personal life

Without a sport or forced college orientation, how does one meet new people and make friends in their early 20s? Whether you’re looking to date, want more friends, or just need practice socializing, here are ideas for everyday life:

Make a shortlist of things you like to do and where people who like the same things may hang out. I.e. like to read? Check Barnes and Noble for events such as a book club. Love animals? Offer your time at the local pet shelter.

Stay out of your head. That means: 

  • Don’t take perceived rejection personally. We can never know what’s going on in people’s lives and can’t make assumptions about what their treatment of us means. The other person may be stressed, be just as quiet as you are, or already have too many friends
  • Don’t get discouraged. Practice makes perfect!

Don’t let anxiety or nerves control your life. Ya got this.

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