Learning the art of critique – my notes

(This article is based off of my interpretation of the ebook Discussing Design: Improving Communication & Collaboration Through Critique by Adam Connor and Aaron Irizarry) I was going to title this “my critique” which would’ve been punny later, but after reading this ebook I realized that’d be the wrong use of the word. People often use “critique” […]

What is UX? My Two Month Crash Course

Starting a new job is intimidating. Starting a new job you don’t know anything about even more so. Granted, when I accepted the position of User Experience Intern, I thought I knew exactly what I was getting into. Over the past few months, I’ve bitten my pride and realized there’s so much more to learn […]

Week 1 Recap

Living in Italy isn’t completely what I’d expected. I miss Kraft Mac and Cheese and my mom substantially more than I should. That being said, through the tears of homesickness, there have also been many bright times. Every day, it take courage to leave my apartment and step out into the world, to venture into […]